Status quo is a Latin term meaning the current or existing state of affairs.[quo] It is a commonly used form of the original Latin "statu quo" ? literally "the state in which".
status quoとは意味:status quo 実際 じっさい 現状 げんじょう status quo meaning: Noun: status quo steytus kwow The existing state of affairs Derived forms: status quos Type of: situation , state of affairs Encyclopedia: Status quo status quo en francais:le status quo, la situation présentep¹sta·tus quo || 'stæt0259;skw0259;028a; /'ste026a;tstatus quo artinya:keadaan tetap pada suatu saattertentustatus quo 뜻:그대로의 상태status quo перевод:1) _лат. статус-кво, существующее положение